Tuesday, February 23, 2010

TSA Has Strong Presence at Tulsa Area United Way Annual Meeting

Major Roy Williams gave the invocation at Tuesday’s United Way Annual Meeting (to view the invocation click READ MORE at the bottom of this post), attended by hundreds of United Way supporters including a table from TSA. Captains Cindy and Warren Jones, Captain Patrick Gesner, Lieutenants Jamie and Clay Russell, along with myself, David Litterell, Lindsay Sparks and Veronica Ramirez attended. 

Last year’s William Booth Society chair and former TSA board president Becky Frank made United Way history by becoming the first individual female to be a United Way Annual Campaign Chair in 2013 and Board Chair in 2014. Congratulations Becky. Bill Thomas, TSA chair of the 2009 William Booth Society Benefit Dinner was recognized for being the 2002 United Way board chairman. United Way president Mark Graham said the 2009 campaign was a lot like the Winter Olympics: some very good highs and some fairly low lows, but the goal was reached despite the challenges. Mark said the 2010 Annual Campaign will have a new focus on the contributions of small businesses. 

Dear Father-
Blessed and Glorious King to you our praise we bring
Come to our hearts and bless; Give strength and happiness
Direct and safely lead; Supply each daily need
Grant to us Tulsa all; The grace for every call
That heart and life may be; In joyful harmony
We are so thankful to be in a community who
Care for others; A group of agencies that work together
Not for their own benefit but for the greater good of those that we serve
Our city is blessed with selfless individuals who work for our agencies
Police and Firefighters who face risks everyday to protect us
Military and veterans who fought for our freedom that
We get to enjoy on a day to day basis
This year we ask a blessing of safety for our city,
Prosperity for each household and willingness to
Reach out to those who need us
Bless this day and this year,
In Your name we pray... Amen
Spoken by Major Roy Williams 2/23/2010

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